zaterdag 6 december 2014

GI-index information

glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure to indicate how quickly carbohydrates are digested in the gut and are recognized as glucose in the blood.

Products with a high GI include baked potatoes, bread, cereal and popcorn. Pasta, legumes and vegetables covered by products with low GI. The GI of a product may vary. Thus, the GI of a product by changing the way it is cooked.

There is little or no evidence that a diet with a low GI reduces the risk of chronic diseases.


     health effects


The glycemic index (GI) provides an estimate of the rate at which blood sugar rises if someone has eaten carbohydrates. Carbohydrates that are rapidly degraded during digestion and release their glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high glycemic index, while carbohydrates that break down slowly and their glucose gradually into the blood issue have a low glycemic index.

If two products which are eaten just as many carbohydrates, can in one product faster more glucose in the blood than the other. The so-called glycemic response is different. That is why it is also called on "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates.
Determine glycemic index

The GI of a product is determined as follows: The increase in the blood sugar levels after eating 50 grams of carbohydrates of a product (A) is compared with the rise in blood glucose after eating white bread or glucose (B), by the same person. The increase in the blood glucose is monitored for 2 hours. Then, the measurements of A and B are compared with each other. The ratio between these two measurements determines the GI value ((A / B) * 100). The GI of glucose is 100.

When food with a high GI is GI around 70 or higher. A low GI is a GI less than 55.

Of each product the GI can be determined, but the amount of the value depends on many factors, including:

     the preparation method: the GI of boiled potatoes is 78, but that of French fries and fried potatoes about 85.
     how long a product is cooked.
     at what temperature it is cooked.
     by far the fruit has ripened.
     the speed at which a person's stomach becomes empty.
     the speed of the intestinal function.

In addition, people eat combinations of foods and these include not only carbohydrates, but also fat for example. This also has an impact on the GI. The GI of a meal can thus turn out differently than isolated products. In order to estimate a weighted average of the GI of all products from which the meal is.
glycemic load

Since the GI based on average values when exposed to 50 grams of a given food, it is difficult to practically apply this measure. Therefore, it can also be made of the glycemic load (GL), in English 'glycemic load'.
When glycemic load takes into account both the amount of carbohydrates in a product like how much someone eats a product. The GL can be calculated as follows: GL = (amount of carbohydrate in a serving * GI) / 100. A high glycemic load is greater than or equal to 20; a low GL is less than or equal to 10.

The GL can be estimated for a meal or complete food by multiplying the average GI of all parts of the meal with the total amount of carbohydrates in the meal / food.

Websites with information about  the GI index 

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